BSG Assessment

How students’ progress is monitored

Assessment is a critical part of the teaching and learning process. It enables students and their teachers to assess strengths and weaknesses so they can be guided to improve outcomes.

KS3 Assessment

Year 7 to 9

With the removal of a national framework for assessment (i.e. national curriculum levels), colleagues at Bournemouth School for Girls have worked together to produce an assessment model that:

  • Is based on developing the key knowledge and skills required for pupil success in KS4
  • Is based on high expectations for and of pupils
  • Is based heavily on formative feedback and allows all students to develop academically– and so encourages a ‘growth mindset’
  • Incorporates periodic summative assessment to support the on-going formative feedback
  • Is, we hope, simple and easy to understand – for staff, parents, students and all other stakeholders
  • Has consistent underlying principles, to be used across subjects, but possesses the flexibility to be suitable for all subjects.

Each department in the school has identified a number of assessment areas having identified the core knowledge and skills that pupils will need to master in preparation for GCSE. Assessment criteria for each subject are published below.

Students will be assessed against the criteria and current attainment will be reported to parents in progress checks and reports. A ‘best fit’ model will be utilised; a judgement will be made as to which of the three bands is the best description for the pupil’s current learning and a plus or minus will be added if they are judged to be at the top or bottom of this band. For example, an award of Secure+ indicates that the pupil will be able to satisfy all the criteria in the ‘developing’ band and all or most of the criteria in the ‘secure’ band.

Parents should be particularly aware of the following:

The expectation is that most pupils will be ‘secure’ in their learning by the end of each year. This is the ‘BSG standard’ which, due to the nature of our school, will be significantly higher in terms of demand than the national standard. At the end of year 9, a judgement of ‘secure’ indicates that a pupil is ‘GCSE ready’ i.e. that they have a firm foundation of skills and knowledge on which to build at GCSE in that subject.

Pupils may well be ‘developing’, particularly in the autumn and spring progress checks. Our assessment system aims to promote dialogue between pupils, parents and teachers based upon the steps pupils can take in order to maximise their academic potential. Many departments have devised ‘pupil speak’ versions of the criteria for each band and use these in class when discussing work with students.

The criteria in the Assessment for Learning Grids is not intended to be a fully exhaustive list of all the requirements of the curriculum covered in that year. Rather they are intended to act as a ‘route planner’ to indicate the general quality of learning in each band. Teachers will give more precise verbal or written feedback during lessons and at parents’ evenings.

Assessment for Learning Grids

Click the appropriate Year Group and subject to see the AfL grid needed.

KS4 Assessment

Year 10 to 11

Students in years 10 and 11 will be examined at GCSE using the 9-1 grade system.

In particular, note the following:

  • Grade 4 and above = Grade C and above
  • Grade 7-9 = Grade A and above.

Roughly speaking, the top 20% of the students achieving grade 7 or above will be awarded a grade 9.

The attainment grade reported in both progress checks and end of year reports is a professional judgement of what grade your daughter is likely to achieve at GCSE, based on the work your daughter has completed so far and her work ethic. Please note that we are not reporting targets for Year 10 in the Autumn Term progress check as we feel subject teachers require further time to develop a more detailed knowledge of pupils.

Commitment for Learning Criteria can be found below and in the students’ planners.

Commitment to Learning (CtL)

All Year Groups (Year 7-13)

To accompany the reports we issue a Commitment to Learning grade which is intended to promote productive learning habits both in and outside of the classroom.

The following descriptions are made known to your daughter and are included as pages within her planner. Part of the expectation surrounding these grades is that students will use these descriptors to have conversations with their teachers in order to understand what learning habits they should adopt in each subject domain to improve their chances of success.

1 (Outstanding)– Eager to push the boundaries of her own learning
-Confidently sets her own targets
– Keen to try new things
– Has a flexible approach to learning
– Confidently selects and uses a range of
– Keen and able to work independently
– Fully focused on tasks
– Prepared to ask challenging questions
– Looks for ways to deal with difficulties
– Perseveres when challenged
– Takes a full and active part in group work,
including the leadership role
-Actively supports the learning of others
– Is enthusiastic and totally reliable
– Has a passion for study
– Completes research in advance of lessons to a very high level
– Deepens her knowledge of topics studied in class and makes links with other areas of learning
– Is able to direct her own research, without teacher guidance, confidently using a wide range of resources
– Brings contributions to group work which take forward the learning of others
– Homework is always completed and handed in by the deadline
– Prepares thoroughly for assessment tasks
– Actively seeks out experiences which extend her awareness of the subject
2 (Good)– Approaches directed tasks with enthusiasm
– Responds positively to all that she is asked to do, and to targets set together with the Teacher
– Responds well when asked to undertake challenging tasks
– Is able to use a range of different resources
– Is able to work independently
– Focuses well on activities
– Can tackle difficulties with encouragement
– Asks and answers questions, but generally to consolidate rather than to extend knowledge
– Will take on leadership roles in class when asked to do so
– Participates positively in group work
– Is generally prepared to volunteer information in debates and discussions
– Appreciates links with other subjects
– Works well on tasks between lessons
– Completes research in advance of lessons to a level which informs her work in class and enables full participation in debates
– Can research independently between lessons using a variety of sources
– Using initial teacher guidance, can develop her learning beyond her experience in lessons
– Completes preparation and research work which enables the teacher to develop that learning in class
– Is reliable when preparing work for group activities
– Is reliable about the completion of homework
– Prepares carefully for assessments
– Pursues suggestions given by the teacher for additional activities
3 (Inconsistent)– Expects knowledge and understanding will be given to her rather than discovering it for herself
– Depends on the teacher to set and monitor targets for her learning
– Does not push herself beyond what can be easily achieved
– Looks to or waits for the teacher to direct activities and provide resources
– Does not always focus on tasks
– Does not like moving ‘out of her comfort zone’
– Asks questions only infrequently
– Does not volunteer information
– Generally passive member in group activities
– Is not able to make links across her learning generally
– Reluctant to join in either class, or small group discussion
– Can follow teacher guidance for work outside lesson times
– Selects only one or some of the possible tasks or resources suggested
– Uses material from the internet or from books without selection or adaptation to fit tasks
– Makes minimal contribution to preparation for group activities, preferring to rely on the contributions of others
– Leaves lesson time tasks incomplete or unconsolidated, rarely reviewing what was covered
– Is not always reliable about completing and handing in homework
– Misses some deadlines without adequate reason or explanation
– Relies on general recollection for assessments rather than detailed learning
– Shows little or no interest in other activities related to the subject
4 (Inadequate)– Lacks the drive to advance her own learning
– Often responds negatively when asked to do things
– Unwilling to engage with a range of approaches and resources even when they are provided
– Rarely focuses fully on what she has been asked to do
– Frequently requires teacher intervention to keep her on task
– Is not prepared to make an effort to develop her own learning and does not respond to targets effectively
– Behaviour often prevents herself or others from learning
– Does not volunteer information in class
– Does not support group activities
– Makes little effort to work outside timetabled lessons
– Often misses deadlines or leaves tasks incomplete
– Comes to lessons without having done things which were set as preparation
– Lets down others in the class by failing to complete preparation for group work adequately
– Fails to prepare for assessments
– Does not make any attempt to consolidate or to extend learning done in lessons